facilities at Lord Hill Farms comfortably accommodates up to 750 guests
indoors. Companies have been using the space for years. Whether you are
planning a holiday party, Auction – with the silent auction upstairs and
the live auction downstairs, Meetings – with the meeting upstairs and
with lunch downstairs or just a fun employee appreciation Casino night, we can
plan and set it up for you.
The upstairs area seats up to
350 guests, perfect for meetings while the downstairs area accommodate up to
400 guests.
The top floor of our facility is carpeted, with large windows that allow guests
to enjoy breathtaking views of the Cascade Mountains, Snohomish Valley,
landscaped grounds, and a pond with resident wildlife.
Beautifully decorated and accommodating for any occasion, the downstairs
features tables, chairs, stage, dancefloor and restrooms.